Rhythmic gymnastics - a sport , performing the music and dance of various gymnastic exercises without apparatus , as well as the subject ( rope, hoop , ball, clubs, ribbon ) . In recent speeches without an object is not conducted on a world-class competitions . When group performances are used or one object ( for example, five goals , five pairs of clubs ) , or a combination of two kinds of objects (eg , hoops and balls ) . Winners will be determined in the all-around, in individual events and group exercises. All exercises are accompanied by music . The choice of music depends on the desires of a gymnast and coach. But each exercise should be no more than a half minutes. Competitions are held on a gymnastic mat size 13x13 meters. The classic all-around ( 4 exercises ) - Olympic discipline . Besides the all-around gymnast , acting individually championship traditionally kidding kits awards in certain types of exercise (except for the Olympics) .Performances measured at dvadtsatiballnoy system. Since 1984 - an Olympic sport . Since the end of the XX century , thanks to the efforts of Japanese gymnasts were held competiticle and the men/
Ген признак А глаукома (доминант) №1 а норм зрен. В норм зрен в глаукома (рецессивн) №2
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ав АаВв Аавв ааВв аавв №1 №1№2 здоров №2
С доминантной глаукомой - 9/16 или 56,25% С двумя аномалиями 3/16 или 18,75% с рецессивной глаукомой 1/16 или 6,25% совершенно здоровых 3/16 или 18,75%