Обобщающая задача по бухгалтерскому учету
Данные для выполнения задания.
1. Амортизация основных средств начисляется линейным Общепроизводственные и общехозяйственные расходы распределяются между видами продукции пропорционально основной заработной плате.
3. Готовая продукция учитывается по фактической производственной себестоимости
4. Резервный капитал формируется путем ежегодных отчислений в размере 5 %.
Юридический статус предприятия – закрытое акционерное общество.
Вид деятельности – промышленное производство.
Остатки по счетам на 01.12. 200_ г. из данных главной книги.
01 – 200000 руб. 80 – 800000 руб.
02 – 50000 руб. 82 – 2200 руб.
10 – 70000 руб. 19 – 483 руб.
10/ ТЗР – 30000 руб. 50 – 3000 руб.
51 – 1069517 руб. 60 – 3600 руб.
66 – 560000 руб. 96 – 7200 руб.
faced with a choice. What would he difficult appeared, people
normally choose. From childhood we dreamed of becoming adults, make
family, go to work like our parents. But childhood passes, and there comes
time to think seriously: «What I want to become?». Long thinking, I decided to become a
medical sister. Than I was attracted by this profession? First of all I
always wanted to help people, because it's wonderful when people come to your
people with their complaints in the hope of assistance, and very nice to know that
somebody needs you. Medical
sister is one of the noblest professions. It should always be kind and
merciful, because the work that she is doing, relieves suffering
of the patient. Health care workers, people always relate specifically, they valued and
respect. Early in the H1H century, this profession is caused universal
admiration and respect. Nurses also called the sisters of mercy, they
unselfishly were willing to help wounded soldiers, they went to the front and
created there, the aid organizations to the military. Eventually destination
medical sisters have changed, but they still demanded. I think, in
the work of the medical sisters attracts me to communicate with people. Because every day
I will learn more and more, I will take part in their fate at least,
because they trusted me with their health and life. Nurse,
my opinion - the most interesting, necessary and important profession. Interesting and
very responsible. When I feel that I must do something useful for
people, I understand that some people need and, therefore, I do not live in vain!