1. Are you hungry, or thirsty? 2. I'm not at home in the evening. "And when will you be home? 3. Why again is not ready for the lesson? 4. I'm never late to class. 5. I goes well in mathematics and physics is not very. 6. What is your major? And what is secondary? 7. He was traveling on a business trip). - When will he be back? 8. Why it wasn't yesterday? - He was sick. 9. We're going to get (be along in a few minutes. 10. I am not very interested in history. I am passionate about geography. What do you like? 11. The children are tired and now fast asleep. 12. Here stuffy (stuffy). Me hot. 13. They don't have a very good relationship. 14. Sorry for the lateness/that I was late. - Do not be late next time. 15. Don't be angry at me. I've been busy. 16. You are once again in a bad mood? Something wrong? 17. Don't worry. No one is to blame. 18. He doesn't sleep until midnight (till midnight). 19. They married? - Yes, and Jane and John divorced. 20. Who was not? All were present. 20. Don't be surprised, I would not be in place after lunch.
б) использования слов в прямом и переносном значении: весенняя погода - весеннее настроение, золотые изделия - золотые руки, игрушка для детей - быть игрушкой в чьих-либо руках
в) слов-синонимов: хранилище-склад, хворь - болезнь, гиппопотам - бегемот, ключ - родник, расслабление - релаксация, радость - веселье
г) слов-омонимов: ключ (от замка) - ключ (родник), коса (волос) -коса (инструмент), лук (оружие) - лук (растение)
д) слов-профессионализмов: индустриализация, индивидуализация, зона поражения, дифференциал, интеграл, релаксация, мотивация, экономическое развитие