Har kimga yo'l harakati qoidalari kerak. Biz ularga rioya qilishimiz kerak. Ammo keling, boshqalar haqida, xavfli holatga keltirganlarimiz haqida o'ylaylik. Axir yengil avtomashinalar haydovchisi yugurayotgan piyodani yiqitmaslikka harakat qilib, mexanik ravishda tormozni keskin tormozlaydi va unga quyidagi transport vositasi qulashi mumkin, u yon tomonga burilib, o'zini va boshqalarni zarbaga duchor qilishi mumkin. Agar yo'l qoidalariga rioya qilmasak, biz jarohat olishimiz mumkin.
Avtomobilni aylanib o'tish,kattalarga avtobusda joy berish,sidenyaga syunab o‘tirish,kerak bekatga yaqilashib qolganda tayyorlanib vа kelganda tushish, avtobus to'xtashini kutib so'ng chiqish kerak kabi qoidalar mavjud... Keling, yo'l harakati qoidalariga rioya qilaylik, shunda biz baxtli va do'stona yashaymiz!
Объяснение: как смогла так и сделала.(если хотите можете написать другой вариант- которое на фото)
ex. 1
fill in the gaps with (a) few or (a) little.
1. a: what did you do during your flight?
b: i read few magazines and i slept for an hour.
2. a: is there any cake left?
b: there's very little left.
3. a: do you speak spanish?
b: no, i know very few words in spanish.
4. a: when are you coming back?
b: soon. i'm only going away for few days.
5. a: i think this soup needs more flavour.
b: ok. i will add little more salt.
6. a: we must hurry.
b: that's true. we have very little time.
7. a: poor him! he looks lonely.
b: he's ver shy and has very few friends.
ex. 2
complete the text with a lot of, much or many.
courchevel is one france's most famous ski destinations. 1. a lot of rich and famous people spend their holidays there every year. in fact, there aren't 2. many ski resorts as nice as courchevel! it has 3. a lot of great restaurants, beatiful hotels and expensive shops. but don't worry if you don; t have 4. much money. there are 5. many cheap places to stay and eat for people who are on a budget. and the skiing is fantastic. ti's perfect for both beginner and expert skiers, because there sre 6. a lot of ski paths to choose from. everyone loves courchevel.
why not come and see why!
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