Связываем-4 слога (св"(мягк.запятая вверху)а(ударение) зывай"(мягк.запятая вверху)эм)
в-(в" мягкий запятая вверху)-согласный,звонкий,мягкий
я-(а ударение)-гласный,ударный
е-1 звук:(й мягкий" вверху запятая)-согласный,мягкий,звонкий;2 звук(э)-гласный,безударный(обозначает 2 звука т.к. иотированная гласная)
9 букв,10 звуков
We study many subjects at school. English is one of my favourite subjects.
We have our English lessons (twice) a week. On this lessons we learn to speak English. We study pronunciation, vocabulary an grammer. We learn many poems and songs, read texts, listen to spoken English on different cassets.
At the lessons we have a good oral practice. We discuss different themes, ask questions on a given topic and answer them, make up stories and dialogues, do a lot of grammer exercises. Sometimes we take part in different quiz-games. They are very interesting.
I am found of English and it is not difficult for me to learn it. But there are some pupils in our class who can't cope with all teaches' requirements in a proper way. They can't understand English well and find it difficult to speak and write.
I like my English lessons very much, because it is very interesting to know something new about other countries and to speak with foreigners.