Красная Шапочка , Волк и бабушка собирали грибы.Волк собрал на 20% больше бабушки,но на 20% меньше Красной Шапочки.На сколько процентов больше собрала Красная Шапочка ,чем Бабушка?
Кот Базилио съел 69 сосисок,а Лиса Алиса на треть больше.Сколько сосисок съел Буратино,если Алиса,Базилио и Буратино вместе съели 181 сосиску?
Золушка иПринц прожили вместе 5несколько лет.Мачуха говорит:Они прожили больше чем 10 лет.Старшая сестра:Нет,меньше.А меньшая сестра ответила:Они прожили 4 года.Сколько лет прожили Золушка и Принц, если двое из выражений верны,а одно ложное?
1)He has never done the Metropolitan Museum before.
It's the first time he has gone to the Metropolitan Museum
2)He has never played baseball before.
It's the first time he has played baseball
3) He has never swum in the ocean before.
It's the first time he has swum in the ocean
4) He has never seen skyscrapers before.
It's the first time he has seen skyscrapers
5) He has never eaten American food before.
It's the first time he has eaten American food
6)He has never driven in a limo before.
It's the first time he has driven in a limo
7)He has never enjoyed a Broadway musical before.
It's the first time he has enjoyed a Broadway musical
8)He has never stayed in the Carlton Hotel before.
It's the first time he has stayed in the Carlton Hotel
9)He has never listened to concerts in Carnegie Hall.
It's the first time he has listened to concerts in Carnegie Hall.
10) He has never travelled about the country so much.
It's the first time he has travelled about the country so much.