3. Выберыце сказы з дзеепрыслоўнымі зваротамі (знакі прыпынку не расстаўлены): А. Цёплы дождж шчодра напаіў зямлю.
Б. Лес залатымі струнамі ажыўшы зазвінеў.
B. На ўзгорку пакрытым пазелянеўшай травою там-сям ляжаў снег.
Г. 3 поля ідучы спяваюць песню звонкую дзяўчаты.
2. Запиши сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных:
fat-fatter-the fattest
short-shorter-the shortest
little-less-the least
dirty-dirtier-the dirtiest
interesting- more interesting- the most interesting
3. Раскрой скобки:
1. A lion is (stronger) than a bear.
2. An elephant is (bigger) than a cow.
3. Leopard is (the fastest) animal in the world.
4. Monkeys are (more curious) than dogs.
5. Lisa has (more) friends than Kate.
1. Запиши существительные во множественном числе: camels fish whales foxes hens
2. Запиши сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных:
windy-windier-the windiest
good- better- the best
thin- thinner- the thinnest
hospitable- more hospitable- the most hospitable
clean- cleaner - the cleanest
3.Раскрой скобки: 1. The road is (longer) than the path. 2. This book is (thicker) than that book. 3. Winter is (the coldest) season in a year. 4. Malvina is (the most beautiful) doll in the story. 5. Karabas-Barabas is (worse) than Father Carlo.