1. Is she married to Tom? Who is married to Tom? Is she married to Tom or is her sister? She is married to Tom, isn't she? She doesn't married to Tom. 2. Was Kate with her children at the museum last Sunday? Who was with Kate at the museum last Sunday? Is Kate was with her children at the museum last Sunday or is her husband? Kate was with her children at the museum last Sunday, wasn't she? Kate wasn't with her children at the museum last Sunday. 3. Will we be ready in an hour? How many time does it take for us to be ready? Will we be ready in an hour or in two hours? We will be ready in an hour, won't we? We won't be ready in an hour.
x1 + x2 = -p
x1 * x2 = 36
Используем условие: один на 4 меньше другого.
Здесь нумерация корней не имеет значения, поэтому запишем так:
x1 - x2 = 4
Получаем систему:
x1 + x2 = -p
x1 * x2 = 36
x1 = x2 + 4
Из последнего уравнения подставим вместо х1 во второе уравнение х2 + 4
(х2 + 4)*х2 = 36
х2 ^2 + 4 x2 - 36 = 0
D/4 = 4 + 36 = 40
x2 = -2 +- sqrt(40) = -2 +- 2sqrt(10)
находим х1: x1 = x2 + 4 = -2 +-2sqrt(10) + 4 = 2 +- 2 sqrt(10)
Получаем две пары корней:
х1 = 2 + 2 sqrt(10)
x2 = -2 + 2sqrt(10)
x1 = 2 - 2sqrt(10)
x2 = -2 - 2sqrt(10)
Теперь подставляем в первое уравнение: х1 + х2 = -p
Для первой пары: x1 + x2 = 2sqrt(10)
Для второй: x1 + x2 = -4sqrt(10)
-p = 2sqrt(10) или -p = -4sqrt(10)
p = -2sqrt(10) p = 4sqrt(10)
ответ -2sqrt(10)