По происхождению котловин можно выделить следующие типы.
1 Тектоническое-образуется в результате движения земной коры.К таким озёрам можно отнести Байкал.
2 Ледниковое-образуется в результате деятельности ледника.К ним относится Ладожское и Онежское озёра.
3 Вулканическое-образуется в кратерах потухших вулканов.К ним относится Курильское,Кроноцкое озёра.
4 Термокарстовые-образуются на территории имеющей вечную мерзлоту.К таким озёрам относится озеро Неджели.
5 Искусственные-образуются в результате сооружения водохранилищ на реках. К таким озерам можно отнести Рыбинское,Камское водохранилища.
Greece occupies the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula.This is the original separation Greece has long attracted to her the whole cultural area of the world's population.In Greece lived so-called Greeks.They spoke in a dead language and indulged writing myths about gods and heroes.Favorite hero of the Greeks was Hercules, who became famous for having cleaned the Augean stables and the fact gave the Greeks a memorable example of cleanliness. Besides this accuretic killed his wife and children. Second favorite hero was Oedipus, who by the way, had killed his father and married his own mother. From this throughout the country became a deadly plague and all revealed. Oedipus had to poke out their eyes and go to travel with Antigoni. In southern Greece has been the myth of the Trojan war, or the Beautiful Elena in three acts with music by Offenbach.What happened was that a king Menelaus had a wife named for beauty and for what wore a dress with a slit, the Beautiful Helen. She was abducted by Paris that was not Menelaus. Then started the Trojan war.The war was terrible. Menelaos was no voice, and all the other heroes lied mercilessly.The war ended by the intervention of the crafty Odysseus. To enable the soldiers to get to Troy, Odysseus made wooden horse was put in his warriors, and went. Troyan, tired with a long siege, were not averse to play with wooden horse, for which he paid. In the midst of the game from the horse got out of the Greeks and won careless enemies.