До другої половини ХVІІ ст. ніхто не підозрював про існування бактерій. Яка подія в науковому середовищі дозволила дізнатися про їхнє існування? 1)Одержання антибіотиків 2)Відкриття нових земель 3)Винахід світлового мікроскопа
4) Відкриття клітинної будови організмів не
1. What subjects is it necessary to know for a person who enters the fire service? – A person who enters the fire service has to have a good knowledge of legislation.
2. What must a fireman be able to do when he is on duty? – When on duty, a fireman must be able to test equipment carried on appliances (including a breathing apparatus). He has to recognize defects and try to remove them.
3. Why must a fireman be a skilled technician? – He must be a skilled technician to be able to use modern equipment, methods and techniques to carry out both repairing and fire fighting, rescue and other emergencies.
4. How must a fireman regard his occupation? – A fireman must regard his occupation as duty rather than work.
5. How does a good fireman have to respond to emergency calls? – A good fireman has to respond at high speed to emergency calls regardless of weather conditions or the time of day or night.
6. What personal characteristics should a fire fighter possess? – A fireman must possess very important personal characteristics, such as courage, general physical strength, an unquestioning acceptance of orders at emergencies combined with the capacity of initiative when he acts on his own, the practical understanding of the principles of a wide range of subjects which will help him to overcome hazards and, at last, sympathy towards the victims of emergencies.