Bitta qisqa so'z - Vatan uchun qanaqa ma'no bor. Va har bir kishi uchun bu so'z o'z shaxsiy, shaxsiy, maxsus va umumiy bir narsadir. Vatan haqida o'ylashimizdan, biz tug'ilgan bu buyuk, chiroyli mamlakat haqida o'ylaymiz, vatan g'oyasini vatanimizning murakkab va qiziqarli, to'yingan va ba'zan fojiali tarixi bilan bog'lab turamiz. Biz faxrlanamiz, chunki biz ushbu mamlakatning bir qismi, bu buyuk dunyoning bir qismi. Vatandan bo'lgan sevgi bolalikdan boshlab - ota-onalar, o'qituvchilar, o'qituvchilar bizga o'rgatilgan.
Avloddan-avlodga oid hikoyalar eng muhim voqealar, taniqli shaxslar, ularning ekspluatatsiyasi va buyuk ishlari haqida gapiriladi. Shuning uchun Vatanimiz haqida o'ylash, o'tmish va hozirgi qahramonlar haqida, mashhur yozuvchilar, shoirlar, musiqachilar, san'atkorlar haqida o'ylaymiz. Bularning barchasi bizning tariximiz, bu bizning vatanimiz.
1) во всех случаях reported speech
2) - my friends said that they had painted house red
- she said she was very busy
- ...that he was very busy those days
3) -... her house was not far from...
-... that she had seen Jimmy ...
- ... that she had bought some milk
4) ... that they had painted ...
... - Henry said he couldn't...
... her passport that week.
5) 1. Mike said that he was looking for a new job.
2. Mother said that they would meet me at the station at 5 o’clock.’
3. The stranger asked how could he get to the post office.
6) 1.
Robert said that that film was so funny
Bob said that he didn't like that jacket.
Sarah said that she had found that note under the sofa.
Значки сверху сама(сам) расставишь)