First of all, I'd like to mention some global companies: Microsoft, Coca-Cola, Marlboro, IBM, McDonald's and Intel, the full list of which we can find in the Forbes magazine. Such big companies, as Nestle or Pepsi have lots of subsidiaries all over the world, and such company as Microsoft - only local support centers, but the «brain center» is in Redmond, but all of them try to enter new markets using local partners and resellers. As for good and bad points of global companies, I can mention that all companies that I know try to increase the quality of their products, as they want to be the leaders in competition. Moreover, every company is always willing to hear the customer's opinion about its products, to receive some suggestions, how to improve the product. Some people can say that they've opened new world thanks to globalisation and, particularly, watching «soap operas». What's more, global companies try to adopt their products to the traditional way if using them. On the other hand, globalisation hurts the local government's ability to deal with wages and taxes. Another bad point is that local factories, which are disappearing every day, use more clean methods of production, as it's not necessary to transfer production on long distances, for example. And now I want to quote Valentine Matvienko, vice-premier of Russia, who took part in the work of Third World Commission of Social Aspects of Globalisation on October, 15th in Geneva. She said that the positive side of globalisation is that qualified workers can migrate to other countries and get a well-paid job. At the same time, she said Russia doesn't want to be out of the border of the world processes. She also told that some problems of globalisation, for example, Russian producers are not ready to rival fight. The will of many foreign companies to weaken our economy in order to put local producers away from the rival market was also mentioned. Vice-minister told that we should save our local culture when entering the global economy, and I fully agree with this.
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трапеция ABCD
пусть х-коэф. пропорции, тогда
BС : AD = 2 : 3
BC =2x
AC = 3x
S трап = 1\2 h(a+b)
60=1\2 * 6(2х+3х)
ответ: нижнее основание равно 12