1.He said that he had been watching TV the night before.
2.She said that she had seen the accident at the corner of High Street.
3.They said that they had had a wonderful time at Peter's party.
4. He said that he had not seen her.
5. They said that they had been very happy about the present.
6. He said that he had collected stickers as a young boy.
7. They said that they had played a lot of tennis the year before.
8. She said that she had a headache.
9. They said that they had driven down to Athens the summer before.
10. He said that he was watching the late night show.
11. They said that they had been interested in other countries.
12. She asked us to get up soon.
13. He said that he took his medicine regulary.
14. She said that she didn't feel better at that time,
15. She said that her father took her to school every day.
16. He said that he was a farmer in Cornwell.
17. She said that her sister worked in Manchester.
18. He said that he felt terrible.
19. They asked us not to make any noise.
20.They said that they didn't know the way to the police station.
21. She said that she heard strange noises in her garden every night.
22. She said that she met her friends on her way to school.
23.She said that her children liked fish and chips.
24. They offered us to study.
25. They said that the tickets for the show were very expensive
26. They said that Mr O'connor sold the best meat around there.
27. They said that they could watch TV every Saturday night.
28. She said that she had to help her mother in the kitchen every evening.
29. She said that she was looking for her key.
30. She said that she liked something to drink.
31. They said that their car made such a noise.
32. He said that he was going to visit her the following Monday.
33. He said that he didn't invite her to the party.
Сочинение Михаила Б. 4 "Б"класса от 12.10.17г.
Очень точно переданы чувства в стихотворении Дунаевского «Широка Страна моя родная». Приведу для примера строчки из этого стихотворения:
« Широка страна моя родная, |
Человек проходит, как хозяин |
«…Наши нивы глазом не обшаришь, |
Равнины составляют большую часть территории России. Однако наша страна славится и своими величественными горами. Горы расположены в основном на юге и востоке России. Это Кавказские горы, знамениты горой Эльбрус. На юге Сибири – Алтай (в переводе «золотой») и Саяны. С Севера на Юг через всю страну протянулись Уральские горы. В старину их величали «Каменный пояс Земли Русской». Они как пояс перепоясывают страну, отделяя европейскую часть от азиатской. А горы на полуострове Камчатка!? Они потрясают своими 28 действующими вулканами!
Многочисленные реки, как змейки, извиваются по необъятным просторам нашей Родины. А сколько у нас озёр! Недаром наши русские озёра называют «голубыми глазами России».
Русский человек всегда наслаждается естественной свободой своего пространства, всегда с уважением относится к другим народам, выстраивая добрососедские отношения, ненавидя только вторгающихся поработителей.
«…Но сурово брови мы насупим, |
Под непрерывными нашествиями со всех сторон, в невероятно суровых климатических условиях русский народ колонизировал огромные территории, не истребив, не поработив, не ограбив и не перекрестив насильно ни один народ. Россия сохранила каждый народ, в нее вошедший. Она была их защитницей, обеспечивала им право на землю, собственность, на веру, обычаи и культуру. Именно поэтому, смотря на карту сегодня, я вижу, что Россия самая большая страна в мире. Недра Земли таят в себе много полезных ископаемых. Россия огромна и величественна. Меня восхищают её необыкновенные просторы: огромные равнины и высокие горы с заснеженными вершинами. Безжизненные пустыни, арктические льды, цветущие луга, густые леса – всё это наша Россия! Камчатка, Алтай, Байкал включены в Список Всемирного природного наследия. И все они находятся на территории нашей страны.
Каждый уголок России пропитан Былинами и сказками, культурными традициями. Закрывая глаза и произнося медленно и величаво Россия, я будто слышу русские напевы, перед глазами простираются необъятные просторы Русской Земли, слышу песню ветра, играющего с колосьями пшеницы, слышу песни девушек, водящих хороводы вокруг белых березок… «…Здесь Русский Дух, здесь Русью пахнет!»
ооо...косвенная речь...столько с ней мучалась в 3 классе...поняла только к 4..сейчас в 6старый и добрый Reported Speech...Ладно чем смогу...
1.He said that he had watched TV last night.
2.She said that she had seen the accident at the corner of High Street.
3.They said that they had a wonderful time at Peter`s party.
4.He said that he hadn`t seeh her.
5.They said that they had been very happy about the present.
6.He said that he as a young boy had collected stickers.
7.They said that they had played a lot of tennis last year.
8.She said that she had a headache.
9.They said that they had droved right down to Athens last summer.
10.She said that she was watching the late night show.
11.They said that they had interested in other countries.
12.He told him to get up soon.
13.She said that she was took her medicine regulary.
14.He said that he didn`t feel better now.
15.She said that her father was took her to school every day.
16.He said that he is a farmer in Cronwell.
17.She said that her sister worked in Manchester.
18.He said that he felt terrible.
19.She told them not to make any noise.
20.They said that they didn`t know the way to the police station.
21.He said that he heard strange noises in his garden every night.
22.She said that she met her friend on the way to school.
23.He said that his children liked fish and chips.
24.She asked him to study.
25.He said that tickets for the show were very expensive.
26.She said that Mr. O`Connor sold the best meat aroudd here.
27.He said that they can watched TV every Saturday night.
28.She said that she must help her mother in the kitchen every day.
29.He said that he was looking for his key.
30.She said that she liked something to drink.
31.They said that their caar made such a noise.
32.He said that he was visiting her next Monday.
33.She said that he didn`t invite her to the party.
ФухххНУ вроде всё...удачи ^_^