1. In every country there are a lot of charity organizations. They really lend a helping hand to children’s shelters, foster homes, disabled senior citizens; rescue animals that are nearly extinct; take care of injured /wounded/ animals till their full recovery. Such funds organize help to victims of earthquakes or floods in any part of the world. Especially their help is needed by children who sometimes have to be rescued; they are removed from their homes because they are not being looked after properly. The charity organization “Who if Not Me” invites volunteers to work with such children, socialize with them, help develop their creative abilities and intelligence.
- When does the train for Manchester leave?
- At seven p.m.
-Two second class tickets to Manchester, please.
- Single or return?
- Return, please.
- Forty pounds, fifty pence.
- Here you are. Which platform is it leaving?
- Platform three.
- Thank you.
- You are welcome.
3. A library is the place where you can find a big collection of books of different genres available for readers. You can borrow any book you like for several days and then return after reading it. A good librarian always helps you to make a choice. A patient, friendly and caring librarian develops our love for books. But now electronic libraries are more popular. You can read any book online without leaving your home.
386. Тезис. Вопрос о том, являются ли Информация и
предпринимательство факторами производства, остается
спорным. Однако можно с определенной долей уверенности
утверждать, что при отсутствии информации или предпринимательства
выпуск продукции возможен, а при отсутствии
труда или капитала — петп. Существенным также яв-
ляется вопрос об измерении Информации и предпринимательства.
387. В теории фирмы аналог эффекта дохода — это эффект
выпуска, который имеет отрицательный знак всегда и
для нормального и для инфериорного факторов производства.
388. При обсуждении данных вопросов воспользуйтесь
материалами глав 9 (п. 9.1) и 12 учебника Р. М. Нуреева "Курс
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