Составим баланс предприятия.
Рассчитаем максимальную мощность, производимую электростанцией.
Максимальная мощность= Мощность*Часов В Сутки*Дней В Году / 1000 * Количество Термогенераторов
Найдем производство электроэнергии при коэффициенте загрузки станции 0,85.
Производство электроэнергии=максимальная мощность электростанции*коэффициент загрузки электростанции
Найдем потери при простоях оборудования.
Потери при ремонтных простоях=Производство электроэнергии*коэффициент простоя оборудования на ремонте
Найдем производство электроэнергии с учетом простоев на ремонт.
Производство электроэнергии с учетом простоев(фактическое производство электроэнергии в год) = производство электроэнергии - потери при простоях
Рассчитаем количество электроэнергии для личных нужд.
Электроэнергия для личных нужд=фактическое производство электроэнергии в год* на коэффициент личных потребностей
Рассчитаем потери в сетях.
Потери в сетях = фактическое производство электроэнергии в год * коэффициент потерь электроэнергии в сетях
Теперь мы можем посчитать затраты электроэнергии.
Затраты электроэнергии= затраты на личные нужды + потери в сетях + затраты на освещение + потребности предприятия
Генерация Потери и затраты
Источники кВт год Потребители кВт. Год.
Личная электростанция
Личные нужды = 6% 1 340 280*0,06=
= 80 416,8
Эффективное время 1 752 000*0,85=1 489 200 Потери в сетях=4% 1 340 280*0,04=
=53 611,2
Простои= -10% 1 489 200*0,1= 148 920 Потребности предприятия 980 000
Всего с учетом затрат и потерь 1 489 200-148 920=1 340 280 На освещение
50 000квт 50 000
Всего затрат 1 164 028
Остаток энергосистеме = 1 340 280-1 164 028 = 176 252 тыс. кВт.
1. How sad! George had dreamed of going to California before he died, but he didn't make it. He has never seen the ocean. 2. John has worked for the government since he graduated from Harvard University. Until recently, he enjoyed his work, but now he is talking about retiring. 3. When I arrived home last night, I discovered that Jane had prepared a beautiful candlelight dinner. 4. I understand your point now. 5. What are you doing now? I am cleaning my room. 6. Don’t forget to take your umbrella. It is raining. 7. A: I called you last night after dinner, but you were not there. Where were you? B: I was working out at the fitness center. 8. A: Did you like the movie “Star Wars”? B: I don’t know. I have never seen that movie. 9. In the last hundred years, traveling has become much easier and very comfortable. In the 19th century, it took two or three months to cross North America by covered wagon. The trip was very rough and often dangerous. Things have changed a great deal in the last hundred and fifty years. Now you can fly from New York to Los Angeles in a matter of hours. 10. Lately, I have thought about changing my career because I became dissatisfied with the conditions at my company. 11. Since I began acting, I have performed in two plays, a television commercial and a TV drama. However, I have never spoken publicly before I came to Hollywood in 1985. 12. I have seen this movie about a dozen times already. 13. I visited my uncle Bob in San Jose last year. 14. I hate living in Seattle because it is always raining. 15. When I walked into the busy office, the secretary was talking on the phone with a customer, several clerks busily were working at their desks, and two managers quietly were discussing methods to improve customer service.
1. How sad! George had dreamed of going to California before he died, but he didn't make it. He has never seen the ocean. 2. John has worked for the government since he graduated from Harvard University. Until recently, he enjoyed his work, but now he is talking about retiring. 3. When I arrived home last night, I discovered that Jane had prepared a beautiful candlelight dinner. 4. I understand your point now. 5. What are you doing now? I am cleaning my room. 6. Don’t forget to take your umbrella. It is raining. 7. A: I called you last night after dinner, but you were not there. Where were you? B: I was working out at the fitness center. 8. A: Did you like the movie “Star Wars”? B: I don’t know. I have never seen that movie. 9. In the last hundred years, traveling has become much easier and very comfortable. In the 19th century, it took two or three months to cross North America by covered wagon. The trip was very rough and often dangerous. Things have changed a great deal in the last hundred and fifty years. Now you can fly from New York to Los Angeles in a matter of hours. 10. Lately, I have thought about changing my career because I became dissatisfied with the conditions at my company. 11. Since I began acting, I have performed in two plays, a television commercial and a TV drama. However, I have never spoken publicly before I came to Hollywood in 1985. 12. I have seen this movie about a dozen times already. 13. I visited my uncle Bob in San Jose last year. 14. I hate living in Seattle because it is always raining. 15. When I walked into the busy office, the secretary was talking on the phone with a customer, several clerks busily were working at their desks, and two managers quietly were discussing methods to improve customer service.
Составим баланс предприятия.
Рассчитаем максимальную мощность, производимую электростанцией.
Максимальная мощность= Мощность*Часов В Сутки*Дней В Году / 1000 * Количество Термогенераторов
Найдем производство электроэнергии при коэффициенте загрузки станции 0,85.
Производство электроэнергии=максимальная мощность электростанции*коэффициент загрузки электростанции
Найдем потери при простоях оборудования.
Потери при ремонтных простоях=Производство электроэнергии*коэффициент простоя оборудования на ремонте
Найдем производство электроэнергии с учетом простоев на ремонт.
Производство электроэнергии с учетом простоев(фактическое производство электроэнергии в год) = производство электроэнергии - потери при простоях
Рассчитаем количество электроэнергии для личных нужд.
Электроэнергия для личных нужд=фактическое производство электроэнергии в год* на коэффициент личных потребностей
Рассчитаем потери в сетях.
Потери в сетях = фактическое производство электроэнергии в год * коэффициент потерь электроэнергии в сетях
Теперь мы можем посчитать затраты электроэнергии.
Затраты электроэнергии= затраты на личные нужды + потери в сетях + затраты на освещение + потребности предприятия
Генерация Потери и затраты
Источники кВт год Потребители кВт. Год.
Личная электростанция
Личные нужды = 6% 1 340 280*0,06=
= 80 416,8
Эффективное время 1 752 000*0,85=1 489 200 Потери в сетях=4% 1 340 280*0,04=
=53 611,2
Простои= -10% 1 489 200*0,1= 148 920 Потребности предприятия 980 000
Всего с учетом затрат и потерь 1 489 200-148 920=1 340 280 На освещение
50 000квт 50 000
Всего затрат 1 164 028
Остаток энергосистеме = 1 340 280-1 164 028 = 176 252 тыс. кВт.