За кілька однакових блокнотів заплатили 16 грн. Скільки треба заплатити за таку саму кількість блокнотів, кожний з яких: 1) удвічі дорожчий; 2) удвічі дешевший?
1) — Excuse me. How can I get to the library?
— Go straight on Market Street to the bus stop and turn right. You'll see it across the
— Thank you!
— Not at all.
2) — Excuse me. Can you tell me the way
to the theatre?
— I'm sorry, I don't know.
— Thank you anyway.
3) — Excuse me. Where can I have a meal?
— The cafe's is on the left.
— Thank you.
4) — Excuse me. Where is the bookshop?
— Take bus number 4. Get off the bus at the next stop. You'll see it across the street.
— Thank you very much.
Вот что некоторые дети обычно делают, когда им скучно. Что эти дети советуют другим?
1. Go to sports practice and to music class.
2. Go on the computer. Talk to your friends over the phone.
3. Don't wait when your friends come and play with you. Go and see your friends.
4. Go shopping with mum.
5. Don't watch TV. It's boring. Go to your friend's house or read a good book.
6. Don't stay at home. Go out to play with your friends.
7. Go fishing with your dad or go skating.
8. Ride a bike!
1) 32 грн; 2) 8 грн.