)The clutch is a device connecting ... a) the rear axle and axle shafts. b) the gearbox and differential. c) the engine and the gearbox. 2)The clutch is situated between ... a) the gearbox and cardan shaft. b) the flywheel and the gearbox. c) the gearbox and rear axle. 3)The clutch is controlled by ... a) the brake pedal. b) the clutch pedal. c) the gearbox and rear axle. The clutch is engaged ... a) when the clutch pedal is pressed down. b) when the clutch pedal is at rest. The clutch is disengaged ... 4) when the clutch pedal i... Ск
Чертила по размерам первого варианта.
На втором чертеже показан только вид слева с размерами, их наносить на чертеж не нужно - я проставила их для упрощения черчения.
Размеры, выделенные синим цветом, получились при построении.