прежде всего, нужно правильно подбирать высоту стула. Высота стула должна соответствовать росту. Во время сидения ноги должны прочно всей ступней располагаться на полу (пятки тоже на полу). Садиться нужно на полную глубину сиденья, а не на край. Сидя на стуле, расправьте грудную клетку, распрямите плечи, не сутультесь, спина должна быть прямой, расстояние между столом и грудью сидящего должна быть равна ширине ладони. Почувствовав усталость встань, пройдись, сделай несколько физических упражнений.
1. I hope they can overcome all difficulties. 2. Unfortunately, it does not get along with her half brother. 3. Get out of here and keep quiet! You wake up the baby. 4. Already noon, get to work as soon as possible. 5. Take a bus here, and exit at the second stop. 6. Tomorrow we're going to go fishing and I have to get up at six o'clock in the morning. 7. Stop it! Do not go away! 8. How are you doing a concert? Everything is ready? 9. Get in the car quicker, we're leaving. 10. At some stops you usually go out of the bus
1) I hope they will be able to overcome all difficulties. 2) Unfortunately, she does not get along with his half-brother. 3) Get out of here and do not make noise! You wake up the baby. 4) For the afternoon, get to work as soon as possible. 5) Take the bus and get off at the second stop. 6) Tomorrow we're going on a fishing trip, and I predetsya get up at six o'clock in the morning. 7) Stop! Do not go away! 8) How do you do a concert? Everything is ready? 9) Get in the car as soon as possible, we're leaving. 10) At what stop you usually get out of the bus?