Почему клетки прокариот, возникшие на Земле ранее других и сохранившие черты древности (примитивности) в своем строении, существуют на нашей планете и поныне?
Так как клетки прокариот могут хорошо приспосабливаться к жизни в экстремальных условиях, в то время как аэробным организмам нужны относительно постоянные условия. Поэтому прокариоты существуют и сегодня.
Will I get a "five" if I answer well? Will we miss the train unless we hurry? Will I have my dinner when I come home? Will we start as soon as you are ready? Do I understant what you mean? Does this book belong to me? Did Mr. West come up to the house, take the key out of his pocket and open the door? Did we use to go to the skating rink on Sandays last year? Will I finish the school next year? Will we go th the country one of these days? Will I go skating if he comes to the country? Is a liar believed by anybody?
Will I get a "five" if I answer well? Will we miss the train unless we hurry? Will I have my dinner when I come home? Will we start as soon as you are ready? Do I understant what you mean? Does this book belong to me? Did Mr. West come up to the house, take the key out of his pocket and open the door? Did we use to go to the skating rink on Sandays last year? Will I finish the school next year? Will we go th the country one of these days? Will I go skating if he comes to the country? Is a liar believed by anybody?