1. I knew Sarah was very busy, so I didn't disturb her. 2 I was very tired so I went to bed early. 3 The bed was very uncomfortable.I didn't sleep very well. 4 Sue wasn't hungry, so she didn't eat anything. 5 He went to Kate's house but she wasn't at home. 6 It was a funny situation but nobody laughed. 7 The window was open and a bird flew into the room. 8 The hotel wasn't very expensive.It didn't get cost very much. 9 I was in a hurry so I didn't have time to phone you. 10. It was hard work carrying the bags. They were very heavy.
1. I knew Sarah was very busy, so I didn't disturb her. 2 I was very tired so I went to bed early. 3 The bed was very uncomfortable.I didn't sleep very well. 4 Sue wasn't hungry, so she didn't eat anything. 5 He went to Kate's house but she wasn't at home. 6 It was a funny situation but nobody laughed. 7 The window was open and a bird flew into the room. 8 The hotel wasn't very expensive.It didn't get cost very much. 9 I was in a hurry so I didn't have time to phone you. 10. It was hard work carrying the bags. They were very heavy.
Центральная Африка: Ангола, Габон, Камерун, Д.Р.Конго, Р.Конго, Сан-Томе и Принсипи, ЦАР, Чад, Экваториальная Гвинея.
Южная Африка: Ботсвана, Лесото, Намибия, Свазиленд, ЮАР .
Восточная Африка: Эфиопия, Уганда, Танзания, Мозамбик, Мадагаскар, Сомали, Кения.