Судоремонт и судостроение, ж/д станции и узлы: предпортовые, сортировочные станции, депо и т.д. С развитием экономики и укреплением международных связей в портах все чаще развивают различные перерабатывающие предприятия: по переработке сырья – привозят лес, отправляют пиломатериалы и бумагу (Архангельск), в рыбных портах перерабатывают рыбу: выгрузили с судов улов, а отправляют консервы (Мурманск, Владивосток), прибывшая нефть перерабатывают в бензин (Туапсе, Новороссийск), в Мариуполе металлургия, производство минеральных удобрений из сырья, мукомольная промышленность – это отрасли связанные с родом перевозимых грузов.
Great Britain
1 December
Dear Kate,
Thany you for your letter. It was nice to learn about your school and your classmates. As for my school, it's a big secondary school.
Last year my family moved to London because of my father's job. I wasn't very happy about going to a new school. However, very soon I made new friends and liked the school.
My favourite subjects are Maths, IT and PE. Our school has very good sports facilities: a gym, six tennis courts and a large games field. Phillip, my best friend, often plays football there. But I prefer bascketball or volleyball.
When classes are over, we are bosy too. The teachers encourage the students to take part in various clubs. I have joined the photography and chess clubs recently. Next term, our school theatre group will put on "Tom Sowyer".
We have various school events every month. A week ago we had a Sports Day. Unfortunatelly, Philip and I did not take part in the competitions. We were ill.
What school events do you have? What are your favourite subjects?
Write back soon.
Best wishes,
Great Britain
1 December
Dear Kate,
Thany you for your letter. It was nice to learn about your school and your classmates. As for my school, it's a big secondary school.
Last year my family moved to London because of my father's job. I wasn't very happy about going to a new school. However, very soon I made new friends and liked the school.
My favourite subjects are Maths, IT and PE. Our school has very good sports facilities: a gym, six tennis courts and a large games field. Phillip, my best friend, often plays football there. But I prefer bascketball or volleyball.
When classes are over, we are bosy too. The teachers encourage the students to take part in various clubs. I have joined the photography and chess clubs recently. Next term, our school theatre group will put on "Tom Sowyer".
We have various school events every month. A week ago we had a Sports Day. Unfortunatelly, Philip and I did not take part in the competitions. We were ill.
What school events do you have? What are your favourite subjects?
Write back soon.
Best wishes,