Цинк массой 6,5 кг обработали избытком раствора серной кислоты. Определите объем выделившегося газа, если выход продукта реакции составил 80% от теоретически возможного.
С появлением человека разумного совершенствование орудий труда пошло быстрее. Люди научились делать их не только из камня, но и из кости. Из нее, например, делали шилья, иглы, которые облегчали изготовление одежды. Из кости вытачивали рыболовные крючки и гарпуны, что позволило добывать рыбу. В это же время люди научились делать лодки. Но самым важным изобретением стал лук со стрелами. Стрела летела дальше и поражала цель точнее, чем копье охотника. Основными занятиями древних людей оставались охота, собирательство, к которым теперь добавилась и рыбная ловля. Собирательством занимались женщины и дети, рыболовство же и охота были уделом мужчин.
1. My friend asked me which book I had taken 2. Father asked Kate what she was doing then 3. Tom asked if I had met Pat before 4. Judy asked Nike if he had invited his friends 5. My aunt asked me if I had already finished my exams 6. The teacher asked his pupils if they liked the story 7. The passenger asked what time the plane arrived 8. Grandmother asked Jack if he would send a telegram the next day 9. She asked her guest if he/she prefered coffee to tea 10. Mother asked her children who had broken the cup 11. The child asked his father what this toy was made of 12. The doctor asked his patient how he/she was feeling then 13. Sam asked Jane if he hadn't seen her somewhere before 14. He asked his friend if he could get him something to drink 15. John asked Chris when he was leaving
37. – Восстановите прямую речь в предложениях.
1. She asked me: Do you like Coke? 2. My friend asked me: Can I borrow your car? 3. John asked: Have this not caused any problem? 4. She asked me: Will you not mind about it? 5. They asked me: Where are you going? 6. Kate asked Mike: Do you prefer eating at home? 7. We asked him: When will you tell us the truth? 8. I asked her: Where is your father? 9. They asked: Are the results of this experiment exciting? 10. Susan asked Ann: When will you give me new telephone number?
n(Zn) = 65000/65 = 1000 моль
n(H2) = n(Zn) = 1000 моль (теор.)
n(H2)практ. = 1000*0,8 = 800моль
V(H2) = 800*22,4 = 17920л