Числа я написал, ответ думаю сможешь написать. Сказать как переводить?
Если тебе надо перевести из десятичной в двоичную, ты делишь это число столбиком на 2, каждый раз у тебя будет оставаться остаток 0 или 1, это числа ты записываешь и в конце деления те числа (остатки) ты пишешь задом на перёд. Например десятичное число 11 переводим в двоичную: 11делим на 2 = 5 ( остаток 1) записываем 1 5делим на 2 = 2 ( остаток 1 ) записываем 1 2 делим на 2 = 1 ( остаток 0 ) записываем 0 1 делим на 2 = 0 (остаток 1) записываем 1 получили 1101, переворачиваем, получаем 1011-это "11" в двоичной системе
1. Why is it necessary to know English today? 1. One billion people speak English nowadays. That's about 20% of the world's population. That's why it is necessary to know English today. 2. English is a world language, isn't it? 2. Yes, it is. English is a world language. 3. How many people speak English? 3. 400 million people speak English as their first language, the other 600 million people learn English as a second or a foreign language. 4. In what countries is English the official language (one of the official languages)? 4.English is the official language in the USA, the UK, New Zealand, and as one of the official languages in India, Ireland, Canada and the Filippins. (In Australia there is no official language at all, but in Australia they use the English language as the basic language). 5. Is English popular in Russia? 5. Yes, it is. 6. Is learning languages an easy thing? 6. I think it is. But it depends on the person learning the language. 7. When did you begin learning English? 7. I began learning English when I was 9 years old. 8. How long have you been learning English? 8. I have been learning English for 7 years. 9. Have you read any books in English? 9. I have read a few English books./ No, I haven't. 10. Have you seen any films in English? 10. I have seen some English films./ No, I haven't. 11. Have you ever visited an English-speaking country? 11. Yes, I have. / No, I haven't. 12. What other languages would you like to know? 12. I would like to know French, / Spanish/ German/ Chinese/ Italian, etc.