I think all people have their favourite sport. It is not necessary to be an athlete in this sport, you can just be a fan. My favourite sport is football.
When I was a little girl, my dad took me to football matches that were held in our city. We used to sit in the stands and, like hundreds of other people, rejoice over the victory of our team and loudly shout and whistle if the players of the opposing team took possession of the ball.
A few years have passed, and now I go to watch football matches with my friends. Sometimes we watch interesting or important games on TV and then discuss their best moments. I support not only our home team and the national team of our country. I also have a favourite football club — it is Real Madrid from Spain, and my favourite player is Cristiano Ronaldo.
Every football game is a battle between players, coaches and their tactics. Football means unpredictable results and all kinds of emotions experienced by footballers and their fans. That is why I love this wonderful game!
На більшій частині узбережжя двічі на добу з добре передбачуваною періодичністю відбувається підйом і подальше опускання рівня моря. Протягом трохи більше шести годин море наступає, а потім такий же час відступає. Приливи і відливи викликаються тяжінням Місяця і, щонайменше, більш віддаленим від нас Сонцем. Унаслідок їх впливу в океані виникає приливний горб, причому через існування відцентрової сили, зумовленої обертанням Землі, відповідний виступ з’являється і на протилежній стороні земної кулі. Коли приливний горб переміщується у бік берега, рівень води підіймається, а потім море знов відступає.
My favourite sport is football
I think all people have their favourite sport. It is not necessary to be an athlete in this sport, you can just be a fan. My favourite sport is football.
When I was a little girl, my dad took me to football matches that were held in our city. We used to sit in the stands and, like hundreds of other people, rejoice over the victory of our team and loudly shout and whistle if the players of the opposing team took possession of the ball.
A few years have passed, and now I go to watch football matches with my friends. Sometimes we watch interesting or important games on TV and then discuss their best moments. I support not only our home team and the national team of our country. I also have a favourite football club — it is Real Madrid from Spain, and my favourite player is Cristiano Ronaldo.
Every football game is a battle between players, coaches and their tactics. Football means unpredictable results and all kinds of emotions experienced by footballers and their fans. That is why I love this wonderful game!
с разу говорю не мой ответ удачи