Mes parents m’ont appris à marcher, ils ne dormaient pas pendant des longues nuits quand je pleurais sans aucune raison. C’est grâce à eux que je possède toutes les choses les plus nécessaires et les meilleures. Je suis énormément fière de ma famille. Je crois que ces gens méritent vraiment le respect le plus profond pour leurs efforts, et c’est pourquoi je suis ravie de raconter de mes chers parents. Родители научили меня ходить и говорить, они не спали, когда я без всякой причины плакала по ночам. Только лишь благодаря им у меня есть всё самое лучшее и нужное. Я очень горжусь своей семьёй. Я считаю, что эти люди действительно достойны глубочайшего уважения за их труд, поэтому я хотела бы рассказать о моих любимых родителях.
Ex.4. Imagine that you are in the hotel. You need a single room for four nights. You are speaking with the reception clerk (front desk clerk).
Guest: Good morning!
Clerk: Good morning, sir (ma’am). What can I do for you?
Guest: We had a reservation for this weekend.
Clerk: Just a minute, sir (ma’am). Yes, we can offer you a single room, a double room or a suite.
Guest: A double, please. Is there a shower?
Clerk: There is a private bathroom.
Guest: Is there a TV-set, a fridge and conditioner?
Clerk: Yes, of course.
Guest: How much is it?
Clerk: 30 dollars a (per) night.
Guest: Good, it’s a reasonable price. But what is the number of my room?
Clerk: 202 (two-oh-two). Here’s your key, please.
Guest: What accommodations are there in the hotel?
Clerk: A barber’s, (a) hairdresser’s, (a) foreign currency bank, (a) post-office, (a) laundry, (a) dry cleaner’s, news-stands.
Guest: Is there a restaurant?
Clerk: Yes, downstairs. Besides, there are coffee-stalls and bars on every floor.
Guest: Good.
Clerk: Fill in the registration form and sign here, please.
Guest: Here you are. Thank you.
Clerk: Welcome. Have a nice stay.