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27.05.2023 01:26 •  География

 Which letters don't rhyme with letter B: • CPTG
 Complete the proverb: A good name is better than.
• fame
• fortune
• wealth
• happiness
• riches
 Choose the idiom to "make peace":
• to bury the hatchet
• to take up the gauntlet
• to cut the Gordian knot
• to put one's foot down
• to beat a retreat
 Choose the right modal verb:
It be difficult to get there.
• must
• should
• ought to
• may
• can

 Choose the correct sentence:
My brother doesn't speak good Italian, but he can make.
• himself understood
• understood himself
• to understand himself
• understand himself
• himself understand

 Choose the correct names of newspaper and magazines:
• The Panorama of Shymkent, The Caravan, Mountain magazine of Kazakhstan
• The Panorama of Shymkent, The Caravan, The Mountain magazine of Kazakhstan
• The Panorama of Shymkent, Caravan, Mountain magazine of Kazakhstan
• Panorama of Shymkent, Caravan, Mountain magazine of Kazakhstan
• Panorama of Shymkent, The Caravan, Mountain magazine of Kazakhstan

 Choose the correct variant:
Hayao Miyazaki is very famous in Japan. He has made many successful 1
movies. One of his most famous films is My Neighbor Totoro, which is about a friendly 2 animal. Miyazaki's movies always have characters that are very unusual. However, they are also 3 and warm-hearted. Many parts of his stories are not real, but other parts come from 4 Miyazaki shows new ideas in each of his movies. They are successful because they bare so 5___

• animated, original, charming, reality, supernatural
• original, animated, charming, reality, supernatural
• animated, charming, supernatural, reality, original
• original, animated, supernatural, reality, original
• animated, supernatural, charming, reality, original

 Choose the correct variant:
Oliver his brother's investments.
• cares of
• takes care of
• cares for
• cares about
• takes care
 Choose an adverb:
• daily
• early
• friendly
• lovely
• cowardly
 Choose the correct sentence:
My brother doesn't speak good
Italian, but he can make
• himself understood
• understood himself
• to understand himself
• understand himself
• himself understand
• Complete the proverb: In a calm every man is a
• air, sailor
• air/ pilot
• sea/ captain
• sea/ sailor
• sea/ pilot

 Choose correct variant:
Bob says he'd be delighted Ann to come and stay.
• -
• To
• on
• for
• With

 Choose the correct sentence:
• Have you got any glasses that I could borrow?
• If you want some help, let me know.
• There is little point in doing some more work now.
• I forgot to get any bread.
• You never give me some help.

 Choose the correct sentence:
• They attacked against the enemy.
• Please answer to my question.
• Does she resemble to her father?
• Don't approach to that house
• The book comprises five chapters.

 Choose the correct variant:
In Japan, many people like to collect 1.However, the beetles have
lost their homes in many parts of Japan. They are very 2 these days. A
Japanese company started selling these 3 machines. The company says that they want to help people own the beetles. However, some people 4 with the company. They think that beetles should only live in nature. Even so, it was a 5 idea to sell beetles.
• beetles, vending, rare, clever, disagree
• beetles, clever, vending, disagree, rare
• beetles, rare, vending, disagree, clever
• beetles, clever, disagree, vending, rare
• beetles, rare, vending, disagree,
 Choose the correct sentence:
Have you got any glasses that I
could borrow?
If you want some help, let me know.
There is little point in doing some
more work now.
I forgot to get any bread.
You never give me some help.

 Complete the phrasal verb :
What are you holding___?
• Up
• Back
• Off
• Over
• Down

 Choose the correct variant:
The Ice Hotel is a/an 1 hotel in Canada. It is made of only ice and snow. So the inside temperature usually 2___ cold. 3 this hotel is very popular. Many people enjoy the looking at the 4 art in its gallery and eating from special ice dishes Guests have a good sleep in the cold hotel rooms under the 5 for blankets.
• fantastic, freezing unique surprisingly cozy
• fantastic freezing surprisingly unique, cozy
• cozy, freezing fantastic unique, surprisingly
• fantastic, unique, surprisingly cozy, freezing
• cozy, fantastic freezing unique. surprisingly

Choose the correct variant:
TWO missing tourists have been found.
more of that
more of
more of the
more the

 Complete the idiom: Let the
• out
• of the bag
• pig
• dog
• cat

 Choose the correct variant:
Dogschase cats.
• can
• might
• could
• will
• may​

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Масштаб показывает соотношение расстояния на карте и расстояния между реальными объектами. Обычно его приводят к такому виду, чтобы в числителе была 1:
30 см / 1500 км = 1 см / 50 км
Из этого значения можно записать масштаб в виде "В 1 см 50 км". Но также масштаб записывается в виде безразмерного отношения чисел. Для этого приведём всё к одним единицам измерения:
1 см / 50 км = 1 см / 50000 м = 1 см / 5000000 см = 1: 5 000 000
Можно указать "Масштаб 1: 5 000 000"

С площадями надо аккуратнее. Надо помнить, что и длина, и ширина будут пропорционально уменьшаться, а значит площадь будет уменьшаться во второй степени! Т.е. для нашего случая:
64 Га = 64 * 100 м^2 = 6400 м^2 - это площадь сада на карте (жесть, какого же тогда размера карта?)
При масштабе 1:40000 реальная линия будет в 40000 раз длиннее её отображения на карте, а площадь, соответственно, больше в 40000*40000 = 1 600 000 000 раз
Значит площадь настоящего сада:
6400 м^2 * 1 600 000 000 = 10 240 000 000 000 м^2 (10 миллионов квадратных километров, из всех стран больше этого только Россия)
И теперь переводим в квадратные сантиметры. В одном метре 100 см, значит в одном квадратном метре 100*100 = 10000 см^2.
10 240 000 000 000 * 10000 = 102 400 000 000 000 000 см^2
Возможно, авторы всё перепутали и хотели узнать площадь, занимаемую на карте настоящим садом в 64 Га, но что-то пошло не так.
4,6(88 оценок)
По степени развитости рыночной экономики в международной практике все страны мира чаще всего подразделяются на три основные группы: развитые страны с рыночной экономикой, страны с переходной экономикой и развивающиеся страны. Такая разбивка на группы была выбрана для удобства анализа в ЭКОСОС (Экономическом и социальном совете ООН). В настоящее время МВФ введен термин «передовые экономики» (или «передовые страны») для обозначения групп стран и территорий, традиционно относимых к развитым (это 23 страны). К передовым экономикам мира относят также четырех восточноазиатских «тигров» (Южная Корея, Сингапур, Гонконг , как особый административный район Китая, и Тайвань), Израиль и Кипр.
4,7(50 оценок)
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