Sauran was also one of the most important centers of Muslim culture. Travelers talk about a large mosque that was once located in Sauran and a madrasah that stood nearby. Between them was a massive arch with a gate and a small neat cobblestone path. The atmosphere of the ancient city, its blissful air contributed to the spiritual development. "It was built in an open, flat steppe. It is extremely cheerful, light, with a soft, invigorating air that gives the mind joy and strength. All around the area grow and see all kinds of beautiful trees. The city itself is surrounded by a high wall, and around it a moat." , - the thinker Ruzbihan wrote about Sauran in the 16th century.
Тайге свойственно отсутствие или слабое развитие подлеска (так как в лесу мало света) , а также однообразие травяно-кустарникового яруса и мохового покрова (зелёные мхи) . Виды кустарников (можжевельник, жимолость, смородина, ива и др.) , кустарничков (черника, брусника и др. ) и трав (кислица, грушанка) немногочисленны как в Евразии, так и в Северной Америке.
На севере Европы (Финляндия, Швеция, Норвегия, Россия) преобладают еловые леса, в Северной Америке (Канада) — еловые леса с примесью лиственницы канадской. Для тайги Урала характерны светлохвойные леса из сосны обыкновенной. В Сибири и на Дальнем Востоке господствует редкостойная лиственничная тайга с подлеском из кедрового стланика, рододендрона даурского и др. Извини я знаю только про растения
Sauran was also one of the most important centers of Muslim culture. Travelers talk about a large mosque that was once located in Sauran and a madrasah that stood nearby. Between them was a massive arch with a gate and a small neat cobblestone path. The atmosphere of the ancient city, its blissful air contributed to the spiritual development. "It was built in an open, flat steppe. It is extremely cheerful, light, with a soft, invigorating air that gives the mind joy and strength. All around the area grow and see all kinds of beautiful trees. The city itself is surrounded by a high wall, and around it a moat." , - the thinker Ruzbihan wrote about Sauran in the 16th century.