The Highland Games are a great
celebration of Scottish culture. The
heavy events are the most famous
part of the Games. They include
the caber toss and the Stone put.
A caber is an enormous log - it's
about five metres long. The stone.
Weighs about nine kilos. That's very
heavy! In the past, women couldn't
participate in the heavy events, but
now there are sections for men and
Scotland's most famous strongman
was called Donald Dinnie. He was
born in 1837. When Donald was
15 years old, he could lift a 200-
kilo stone in one hand! He was the
champion of the Highland Games
for 20 years, and people said that
he was the strongest man in the
3ю You shouldn't miss music and
dancing at the Highland Games.
The Highland dancers wear tartan
skirts and tartan socks, and they
dance over swords. The pipers play
traditional music on the bagpipes.
They also wear tartan kilts. If you
want to experience this Scottish
festival, you should visit the
Cowal Games in Dunoon. They're
the biggest Highland Games in
Нужно сжать текст до 10 предложений
Т.к. биссектриса треугольника АВМ перпендикулярна стороне ВМ, она является его высотой.
Если биссектриса треугольника совпадает с высотой, она является и его медианой,⇒
треугольник ВАМ - равнобедренный.
ВМ - медиана треугольника АВС, ⇒
АС=2 АВ.
Пусть средняя по длине сторона равна х
Если предположить, что АВ - средняя сторона, то
АС=х+1, ВС=х-1
Тогда АС=2х=х+1, откуда х=1, и ВС=1-1=0, чего быть не может. ⇒
ВС- средняя сторона.
ВС=х, АС=х+1, АВ=х-1
2х-2=х+1 ⇒
АС=3+1=4 - это наибольшее значение самой длинной стороны