const n = 5; m = 8; var a:array [1..n,1..8] of char; b:array [1..5] of char; i,j,k,l,s,c,cnt:integer; tmp:char; begin randomize; for i:=1 to n do begin for j:=1 to m do begin a[i,j]:=chr(random(9)+65); k:=random(2); if (k=1) then a[i,j]:=chr(ord(a[i,j])-16); write (a[i,j]:3); end; writeln; end; cnt:=0; for i:=1 to m do begin l:=0; s:=0; inc(cnt); for c:=1 to m do if (ord(a[cnt,c])>=49) and (ord(a[cnt,c])<=57) then s:=s+(ord(a[cnt,c])-48); for j:=1 to n do begin if (ord(a[j,i])>=65) and (ord(a[j,i])<=73) then begin inc(l); b[l]:=a[j,i]; end; end; for c:=1 to l-1 do if b[c+1]>b[c] then begin tmp:=b[c]; b[c]:=b[c+1]; b[c+1]:=tmp; end; for c:=1 to l do write (b[c],' '); writeln ('SUMMA: ',s); end; end.
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2. документ
3. рисунок