Pascal: var n:integer; f:boolean; begin f:=false; repeat write ('N = '); readln (n); until (n>=1000) and (n<=9999); while (not f) and (n<>0) do begin if n mod 10 = 4 then f:=true; n:=n div 10; end; if f then writeln ('YES') else writeln ('NO'); end.
C++: #include <iostream> using namespace std;
int main() { int n; bool f = false; while (n<1000 || n>9999) { cout <<"N = "; cin >>n; } while (!f && n!=0) { if (n%10==4) f = true; } if (f) cout <<"YES" <<endl; else cout <<"NO" <<endl; return 0; }
a,b = int(input()), int(input())
for i in range(a,b+1): #от а до б включая концы