Program esep; var input,output:text; n,i,j,g,nm,ans,t:integer; ara:array[0..1000] of integer; ar,arq:array[0..1000] of integer; ts,sum,a:integer; begin assign(input,''); reset(input); assign(output,'f.out'); rewrite(output); readln(input,a,n); ans:=10000; for i:=1 to n do begin read (input,ar[i]);ts:=ts+2*ar[i]; end; if ts<a then writeln(output,'no') else begin ara[1]:=3; for i:=2 to 15 do begin ara[i]:=3*ara[i-1]; end; for i:=1 to ara[n] do begin if arq[n]<2 then begin inc(arq[n]); sum:=sum+ar[n]; inc(nm); end else begin g:=n;while arq[g]>1 do begin sum:=sum-ar[g]*arq[g]; dec(nm,arq[g]);arq[g]:=0; dec(g); end; inc(arq[g]); sum:=sum+ar[g]; inc(nm); end; if sum=a then begin if nm<ans then ans:=nm; end; end; if ans>1000 then writeln(output,'yes') else writeln(output, ans); end; close(output); close(input); end.
{вот правильное решение я там забыл то чтобы подсчитывать число букв a} var s: string; i, id, len, max, count,q: byte; begin q:=0; readln(s); len := length(s); max := 0; id := 0; count := 0; for i:=1 to len do if s[i] <> ' ' then count := count + 1 else begin if count > max then begin max := count; id := i - count; end; count := 0 end; if count > max then begin max := count; id := i - count; end; for i:=id to id+max do if s[i] = 'a' then begin q:=q+1; s[i] := 'b'; writeln(s,' ' , q); end; end.