#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int YBorn , YNow ;
cout <<"what year where you born in?"<<endl;
cin >>YBorn;
cout <<"what year is it now?"<<endl;
cin >>YNow;
int YOld=YNow-YBorn;
cout<<"at the end of the year:"<<endl;
cout << "you're " <<YOld << " years old"<<endl;
int MOld = YOld*12;
cout<< "and "<<MOld<<" month old"<<endl;
int DOld=YNow/4-YBorn/4+YOld*365;
cout<<"and "<<DOld<<" days old"<<endl;
int HOld=DOld*24;
cout<<"and "<<HOld<<" hours old"<<endl;
int MinOld=HOld*60;
cout<<"and "<<MinOld<<" minutes old"<<endl;
int SOld=MinOld*60;
cout<<"and "<<SOld<<" seconds old"<<endl;
cout<<"and "<<SOld<<"000 miliseconds old"<<endl;
return 0;
#define ll long long#define ld long doubleint days_in_month[12] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };int day,year,month,ans;using namespace std;int main(){cin>>day>>month>>year;if(year%400==0||year%4==0&&year%100!=0)days_in_month[1]++;if(day<=days_in_month[month-1]&&day>=1);else ans=1;if(month>=1&&month<=12);else ans=1;if(ans==1)cout<<"False";else cout<<"True";}