Скиньте, , скрин графика функции y(t)=0.00231277777*e^(0,2716*(t-13.1))+0.00000982777*e^(-1.9939*(t-13.1))+0.00232222222*cos(t-13.1)+0.00865275*sin(t-13.1) построенного в maple
Var A:Array[1..100] of Word; N,Max_S,i,I_max:Byte; Function Sum_of_figures(p:Word):Byte; var d:Word; S,j:Byte; begin d:=10000; S:=0; For j:=1 to 5 do begin S:=S+(p div d); p:=p mod d; d:=d div 10; end; Sum_of_figures:=S; end; Begin Randomize; Write('N= '); Readln(N); Writeln; Writeln('Initial array:'); For i:=1 to N do begin A[i]:=Random(65535); Write(A[i]:8); end; Writeln; Writeln; Writeln('Sums of figures:'); Max_S:=0; For i:=1 to N do begin Write(Sum_of_figures(A[i]):8); If Sum_of_figures(A[i])>Max_S then begin Max_S:=Sum_of_figures(A[i]); I_max:=i; end; end; Writeln; Writeln; Writeln('Maximal sum of figures (',Max_S,') has the element N',I_max,' equal to ',A[I_max]); Readln; End.