Определите хронологическую последовательность событий первое образование условия джучи монголы захватили семиречье второе Бату был признан наследником джучи третье темучин получил титул Чингисхана
Я лежал на сене и вспоминал вчерашний день, я понимал, что завтра ничего не изменится. Я проснусь еле встанет солнце, одену очередные лохмотья в которых, я работал вчера, буду работать сегодня и завтра. Мой обветшалый дом совсем перестал быть похож на приличное жилище. Еле открыв дверь я пойду в поле. Там уже будет стоять Ярослав и ждать меня. У нас будет тяжелая работа ведь поле само себя не пашет. Обед как всегда будет скромный, корочка хлеба до конца дня. Вдруг начало темнеть, мне пришлось идти домой и ждать завтрашний день.
1. It happened so long ago that I have forgotten about it. 2. was the late autumn. Almost all the leaves have fallen off, and the last birds flew away to the South. 3. as soon as she started talking about it, suddenly burst into tears. 4. How long are you in music? 5. it has now been two months since they arrived. But they will not go. 6. She turned out the lights and sat in complete darkness. 7. He asked me when I come in the following times. 8. Why are you so late back from the city? 9. He left a year ago, and since then, not a single letter wrote to us. 10. the 23 of January we have to rent all the exams. 11. we asked boys What are they doing on the street in such a late hour. 12. the telegram came ten minutes after you left. 13. I want to talk to you about it. 14. I have heard that she fell ill and is in hospital. 15. What time is it there? 16. I'll wait until he finished his story, and then I will ask him to answer my question. He has long been worried about me. 17. we were told that they come the day after tomorrow. 18. She glanced at the clock. It was about five. She waited more than half an hour. 19. Forever you pridiraeš′sâ to me! 20. where you bought this rug? -He's here so long that I just can't remember. 21. children will do lessons. Let's go to the kitchen. 22. I believe You'll forget me by then. 23. Was already week since we came here, and the weather is bad all the time. 24. the clouds were going all day, and finally poured rain. 25. He said that if I'm going to follow his advice, everything will be OK. 26. Oh, I'm like Jimmy will be jumping for joy when he sees you. 27. they drove off and Not three miles, as the weather changed. 28. When you were here last? 29. Today we will be able to know the results of the experiment, which was conducted this week. 30. people who have not been in Moscow for many years, hardly recognize her now. 31. have you seen him today? -Yes. He told me the bad news. 32.George, who laughed suddenly went silent. я сам не знаю что я написал)
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