ответ:Running in basketball – occurs when the player makes more than three steps with the ball in his hands. For such a violation of the rules is given the right to drop the opposing team. Out – if the ball flies out of the field. After that, the ball will be given to the opposing team. Improper conduct – if a player while running with the ball commits a conduct at once two hands. The right to drop is given to the opposing team. Jump with the ball in hand – to make the jump is allowed only for throwing in the basket ring, in case of violation of the rule, the ball will be given to the opposing team. Three-second rule – it is forbidden to be in the zone under the basket of the opponent with the ball in his hands more than three seconds, otherwise the ball will be given to the opposing team. Five second rule — it is prohibited for the specified time to execute a throw. In case of violation, the ball will be given to the opposite team. Eight-second rule – if the team that owns the ball does not reach the front zone within the specified time, the ball will be given to the other team. Rule of twenty-four seconds – for the specified time the team that owns the ball must make a throw in the basket. As soon as the ball at least touches the basket, the counter is reset. In case of violation of the rule, the ball is given to the other team. Zone violation – teams are prohibited from passing the ball from one zone to another. The penalty for this violation is the return of the ball to the opponents. For violation of sports behavior or hard play is assigned a free throw in the ring. The opposing team is given two attempts, after which the game resumes. In case of hitting the ball in the ring is given only one point.
Объяснение: Все 10 правил на английском языке!
Tiberiy Semproniy Grakx, on bil drevnerimskiy politicheskiy deyatel, starshiy brat Gaya Grakxa. On proisxodil iz znatnoy semyi, uchastvoval v Tretey Punicheskoy voyne i osade Numancuu. On vidvinul proekt ogranichit polzovanie obshestvennoy zemley krupneyshimi arendatorami. Izlishki zemli, vozvrashennie v gosudarstvennuyu sobstvennost, on predlojil razdelit mejdu bedneyshimi krestyanami. Dalneyshie ego deystviya bili peredanni nasledstva pergamskomu caryu. On sovershil narushenie, chto privelo k padeniyu ego populyarnosti i usiliyu oppozicii.
Gay Semproniy Grakx, on bil drevnerimsky politicheskiy deyatel, narodniy tribun, mladshiy brat Tiberiya Grakxa. Gay ros bez otca i vospitivalsya materyu. Naxodilsya v xoroshix otnosheniyax so starshim bratom Tiberiem. Gay kak orator bil znachitelno bolee temperamentnim v chastnosti, on pervim iz rimlyan stal rasxajivat po oratorskoy tribune i pervim osvobodil ruki ot togi dlya jestikulyacii.
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