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Time: 15 minutes. (14 points)
Read the text and choose the correct variant.
Learning to snowboard
If you want to learn to snowboard, (1)
first thing you need to do is to book (2)
lessons. It's a good idea to have lessons with a snowboard school (3)
need to learn the right way to snowboard. You will have much (4)
fun learning with
other people as well.
Indoor snow schools usually (5)
you a snowboard, boots and a helmet to wear on
your head (6)
lessons. The indoor centres are cold and use real snow, so warm
clothes are important. It's not a good idea to wear jeans because (7)
get wet easily
If you (8) outside on a mountain, you (9)
to take your own board and boots or
rent them. You will (10)
need sunglasses, gloves and a helmet.
Сражения на суше.
А. В. Суворов разгромил врага в сражении при Кинбурне (1787), Фокшанах и на реке Рымник (1789).
Г. А. Потемкин овладел крепостью Очаков (1788).
А. В. Суворов организовал взятие Измаила (1790).
Сражения на воде.
Под командованием Ф. Ф. Ушакова был проведен ряд побед в Керченском проливе и у форта Гаджибей. В сражении у мыса Калиакрия (1791) турецкий флот был уничтожен.