I'm runnin' around with my nina
Nigga want smoke, she'll be happy to meet ya
I'm a hot boy, yeah, I'm fresh out the cleaners
In a Lex' but I might just cop me a BeamerI'm runnin' around with my nina
In a Lex' but I might just cop me a BeamerI'm runnin' around with my nina
Nigga want smoke, she'll be happy to meet ya
I'm a hot boy, yeah, I'm fresh out the cleaners
In a Lex' but I might just cop me a BeamerI'm runnin' around with my nina
Nigga want smoke, she'll be happy to meet ya
I'm a hot boy, yeah, I'm fresh out the cleaners
In a Lex' but I might just cop me a BeamerI'm runnin' around with my nina
Nigga want smoke, she'll be happy to meet ya
I'm a hot boy, yeah, I'm fresh out the cleaners
In a Lex' but I might just cop me a BeamerI'm runnin' around with my nina
Nigga want smoke, she'll be happy to meet ya
I'm a hot boy, yeah, I'm fresh out the cleaners
In a Lex' but I might just cop me a BeamerI'm runnin'
Nigga want smoke, she'll be happy to meet ya
I'm a hot boy, yeah, I'm fresh out the cleaners
In a Lex' but I might just cop me a BeamerI'm runnin' around with my nina
Nigga want smoke, she'll be happy to meet ya
I'm a hot boy, yeah, I'm fresh out the cleaners
In a Lex' but I might just cop me a Beamer
лвлввллпвлоаI'm runnin' around with my nina
I'm runnin' around with my ninaNigga want smoke, she'll be happy to meet ya
I'm runnin' around with my ninaNigga want smoke, she'll be happy to meet yaI'm a hot boy, yeah, I'm fresh out the cleaners
I'm runnin' around with my ninaNigga want smoke, she'll be happy to meet yaI'm a hot boy, yeah, I'm fresh out the cleanersIn a Lex' but I might just cop me a BeamerI'm runnin' around with my nina
I'm runnin' around with my ninaNigga want smoke, she'll be happy to meet ya
I'm runnin' around with my ninaNigga want smoke, she'll be happy to meet yaI'm a hot boy, yeah, I'm fresh out the cleaners
I'm runnin' around with my nina
Nigga want smoke, she'll be happy to meet ya
I'm a hot boy, yeah, I'm fresh out the cleaners
In a Lex' but I might just cop me a BeamerI'm runnin' around with my nina
In a Lex' but I might just cop me a BeamerI'm runnin' around with my nina
Nigga want smoke, she'll be happy to meet ya
I'm a hot boy, yeah, I'm fresh out the cleaners
In a Lex' but I might just cop me a BeamerI'm runnin' around with my nina
Nigga want smoke, she'll be happy to meet ya
I'm a hot boy, yeah, I'm fresh out the cleaners
In a Lex' but I might just cop me a BeamerI'm runnin' around with my nina
Nigga want smoke, she'll be happy to meet ya
I'm a hot boy, yeah, I'm fresh out the cleaners
In a Lex' but I might just cop me a BeamerI'm runnin' around with my nina
Nigga want smoke, she'll be happy to meet ya
I'm a hot boy, yeah, I'm fresh out the cleaners
In a Lex' but I might just cop me a BeamerI'm runnin'
Nigga want smoke, she'll be happy to meet ya
I'm a hot boy, yeah, I'm fresh out the cleaners
In a Lex' but I might just cop me a BeamerI'm runnin' around with my nina
Nigga want smoke, she'll be happy to meet ya
I'm a hot boy, yeah, I'm fresh out the cleaners
In a Lex' but I might just cop me a Beamer
лвлввллпвлоаI'm runnin' around with my nina
I'm runnin' around with my ninaNigga want smoke, she'll be happy to meet ya
I'm runnin' around with my ninaNigga want smoke, she'll be happy to meet yaI'm a hot boy, yeah, I'm fresh out the cleaners
I'm runnin' around with my ninaNigga want smoke, she'll be happy to meet yaI'm a hot boy, yeah, I'm fresh out the cleanersIn a Lex' but I might just cop me a BeamerI'm runnin' around with my nina
I'm runnin' around with my ninaNigga want smoke, she'll be happy to meet ya
I'm runnin' around with my ninaNigga want smoke, she'll be happy to meet yaI'm a hot boy, yeah, I'm fresh out the cleaners
1. Айтыскер ақын өз жа елінің, туған жерінің тарихын, географиялық және этнографиялық ерекшеліктерін, атақты адамдарын, салт-дәстүрін білуі тиіс.
2. Ақын айтысқа түсу үшін көп іздененеді. Материал жинайды. Сол уақыттың жақсы-жаман жаңалықтарын меңгереді, ой түйеді.
3. Оның дәлелі ретінде айтыс мектебінің өкілдері - Аманжол Әлтаев, Айнұр Тұрсынбаева, Рүстем Қайыртайұлы, ы, Сара Тоқтамысқызы, Балғынбек Имашев, Бекарыс Шойбеков және т. б. өнерлі, ділмар айтыскер ақындарды атауға болады.
2.ой дамуы
3. сөз байлығы