An officer can run your plate through dispatch over the radio or wait til you're stopped and if they are certified to use the database they could run your plate on the MDT. some officers might risk inputting your plate to the system while moving but this is not allowed by any departments that I'm aware of and the officer is most likely breaking the law by doing so. Some vehicles are outfitted with ALPRs which will automatically run all plates and provide the officer with an alert if the plate is expired revoked or stolen and if the registered owner's driver license is suspended revoked or expired and in some cases alert the officer if that person is wanted. Of course any of these or other issues and you'll be pulled over while the officer investigates and determines how to proceed. Most states now require your insurance company to keep the DMV informed of your insurance status so the second your coverage lapses the DMV will suspend your plate and or license and the officer will know.
Европа Падение Западной Римской империи и образование варварских раннефеодальных государств на её территории. Образование Франкского королевства.
Ближний Восток Большая часть народов входит в Византийскую (Восточно-Римскую) империю. Век Юстиниана.
Китай Правление династии Суй. Начало правления династии Тан. Единое государство. Подъем страны.
Япония Образование государства Ямато.
Индия Империя Гуптов. Нашествие эфталитов. Образование множества княжеств.
Центральная Америка Племена майя.
Африка Северная Африка в составе Византийской империи.
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