How to order keto buzz keto buzz diet is the simple dietary supplement that you can order from the official website you will see the link that needs to click on to get your order at your place what is keto buzz the wellknown diet pill called symmetry keto buzz was once referred to as symmetry merely magic these square measure supplements aforementioned to extend metabolism and assist you slenderize the only distinction between the formulas is that the addition of proteinase lipase and enzyme all being terribly powerful organic process enzymes they aid your body to digest food properly and that they conjointly support weight loss if you would like to buy symmetry keto buzz you ought to access the companys official web site as there you may realize all the data you would like concerning this product and you may be able to order it if you would like when youve created your purchase the new product are going to be in real time delivered to you in an exceedingly special box and not in an exceedingly bottle .
1) гексан С₆H₁₄:
CH₃ - CH₂ - CH₂ - CH₂ - CH₂ - CH₃
2) 2-метилпентан С₆H₁₄:
CH₃ - CH - CH₂ - CH₂ - CH₃
3) 3,4-диметил-3-этилоктан C₁₂H₂₆:
| |
CH₃ - CH₂ - C - CH - CH₂ - CH₂ - CH₂ - CH₃
4) 2-метил-3,3,4-триэтилгептан C₁₄H₃₀:
CH₃ C₂H₅ C₂H₅
| | |
CH₃ - CH - C - CH - CH₂ - CH₂ - CH₃
Все четыре вещества являются гомологами, так как относятся к одному и тому же классу углеводородов - алканам. Их общая формула СₓH₂ₓ₊₂.
Первые два вещества - гексан и 2-метилпентан являются изомерами. У них одинаковая молекулярная формула С₆H₁₄, то есть одинкаовое число атомов углерода и водорода. Отличия в структуре: у гексана линейный углеродный скелет, у 2-метилпентана углеродный скелет разветвленный.
Гомологи - 1), 2), 3) и 4)
Изомеры - 1) и 2)
1) CH4 = H2+ 3C2H2
2) C2H2 +H2= C2H4
3) C2H4 +Br2= C2H4Br2
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