не знаю что писать но спс за Hit the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are notified that any dissemination distribution or copying of this email and any attachments is intended only for the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you.
Осксиды, которым соответствуют основания - это оксиды металлов.
Металлами (точнее, их оксидами) в приведенном списке, и соответствующими основаниями (далее пишу "соотв.основ.") являются:
Fe2O3 - оксид железа (III);
соотв.основ. - Fe(OH)3 - гидроксид железа (III)
Cu2O - оксид меди (I)
соотв.основ.- CuOH - гидроксид меди (I)
CaO - оксид кальция
соотв.основ.- Ca(OH)2 - гидроксид кальция
Na2O - оксид натрия
соотв.основ.- NaOH - гидроксид натрия