2 Визначте речення з відокремленими обставинами. А) А дуб стоїть незламно, незважаючи ні на що.
Б) Скроплений живлющою росою, росток пробився на безмежжі нив.
В) Все засліплене від люті панство кінно вдарило на козаків.
Г) Дуже красиві давні міста України, особливо Київ і Львів.
не знаю что писать но спс за Hit the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are notified that any dissemination distribution or copying of this email and any attachments is intended only for the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you are not the intended recipient you.