ответ:the English countryside and then through the heart of the great city before it reaches the sea. The Thames has played an extremely important part in making England what it is today. England had very few roads in the past, so the Thames provided a major highway between London and many parts of the country. People could also send supplies of food and other goods to and from London by boat. In times of war, London was protected from sea attacks because they built castles and forts at the mouth of the river. People from the London area got their drinking water from the Thames, and thirsty cows and sheep were a common sight along its banks. With the industrial Revolution in the 18th century, the Thames became one of the busiest waterways in the world. Factories made and exported goods of all kinds. So people became rich and many of them built beautiful houses along the banks of the river. The famous writer Charles Dickens spent part of his children there and later wrote about the Thames in his books. Today the Thames has become a symbol of London, just as much as Big Ben or Buckingham Palace. If you take a stroll along its banks, you'll have a day full of pleasant surprises. You can admire bridges built in many different architectural styles. The most famous one is probably Tower Bridge which actually opens up 1,000 times a year to let ships through. Or you might be lucky enough to see London's rowing event, the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race, which takes place on the river every spring. Whether you're a Londoner or a visitor, the Thames will always have something to offer you.
Быть взрослым - это не означает достичь какого-то определенного возраста. быть взрослым - значит стать человеком, который может отвечать за себя и доверенных ему людей или за что-то другое. взрослым может считаться человек, который в состоянии принять решение, за которое потом не будет раскаиваться, а так же - отстоять и доказать свое мнение. многие люди, добившиеся положения в обществе или просто прожившие достаточно долго, не могут по праву считаться взрослыми. потому что в жизни ведут себя как существа, не отвечающие за себя, за свои поступки, слова. взрослый человек - это человек, достигший совершеннолетия. хотя это далеко не так. некоторых людей, еще не достигших 15 лет, можно считать вполне сформировавшимися. взрослый - это не тот, кто создал свою семью, очаг и прочее; это человек, который знает свои цели в этой жизни. даже некоторые известные люди не могут по праву считаться взрослыми. яркими примерами, по-моему мнению, являются люди, которые за войну в ираке. повторяется . многие люди перед первой и второй мировыми войнами были за ее начало, но потом в этом сильно раскаивались люди не понимают, какие разрушения и страдания несет война, которая всегда начинается из-за денег, несмотря на различные предлоги. те, кто начинает войны, определяют цену человеческой жизни, забывая о том, что жизнь бесценна. в своей жизни я еще не встретила ни одного взрослого человека. и хотя это может покзаться странным, но взрослый человек - это идеальный человек, а идеальных людей единицы за все существование мира. значит, стать взрослым человеком сложно.
ответ:the English countryside and then through the heart of the great city before it reaches the sea. The Thames has played an extremely important part in making England what it is today. England had very few roads in the past, so the Thames provided a major highway between London and many parts of the country. People could also send supplies of food and other goods to and from London by boat. In times of war, London was protected from sea attacks because they built castles and forts at the mouth of the river. People from the London area got their drinking water from the Thames, and thirsty cows and sheep were a common sight along its banks. With the industrial Revolution in the 18th century, the Thames became one of the busiest waterways in the world. Factories made and exported goods of all kinds. So people became rich and many of them built beautiful houses along the banks of the river. The famous writer Charles Dickens spent part of his children there and later wrote about the Thames in his books. Today the Thames has become a symbol of London, just as much as Big Ben or Buckingham Palace. If you take a stroll along its banks, you'll have a day full of pleasant surprises. You can admire bridges built in many different architectural styles. The most famous one is probably Tower Bridge which actually opens up 1,000 times a year to let ships through. Or you might be lucky enough to see London's rowing event, the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race, which takes place on the river every spring. Whether you're a Londoner or a visitor, the Thames will always have something to offer you.