Богатый жизненный опыт, умение находить поэзию в буднях — все это определило читательский интерес к творчеству Бориса Попова. Основной жанр его поэзии — драматический монолог: философские раздумья о времени, назначении человека. Для поэзии Попова характерны отточенная литературная техника и законченность формы. Стихи печатались в альбомах и сборниках, журналах «Юность», «Молодая гвардия», «Смена», «Октябрь», «Урал». На стихи Бориса Попова написал несколько песен магнитогорский бард Виктор Мельников.
god knows all, he created each planet, each galaxy, one day, a man offended the priest in the church saying, if god knows everything, why did jesus insult god, he replied i do not remember that jesus had insulted god. well, jesus was crucified, but before he was crucified he looked up at the sky
and said forgive them father for they know not what they do, and god said of the tree and i did not know thank if he know what jesus says to him what you say to him if he knows the woman beckoning hurts she is suffering please ease the pain, oh i didn't know that about aunt mane man created god in
his own image, some brat who is angry and tells noah build me an ark because i'm going to flood the entire area i don't like the products i've made he wants to kill everyone so noah builds the if he took every animal in the ark would be dlinoi about a mile who with her shit that will clean it's so
ridiculous story in their right mind can not understand it. i read the bible instead of an anecdote because there's nothing in it that makes sense. in the bible if you are a believer it is written, thou shalt not kill, it says you can kill on wednesdays and thursdays it says thou shalt not kill. she
also says love thy enemy which means if you get hit on the cheek, substitute another what is going on with all this during the war, what is happening to christians in 74, one professor asked what do you think about christianity he said it's a great idea, why they don't exercise