Илья Репин "Бурлаки на Волге" - произведение отображает все тяготы непосильного труда этих людей, автор был поражен контрасту жизнерадостной природы тех мест и веселого общества дачников, картина передает боль и сострадание автора, эти чувства передаются и зрителю;
Перов "Тройка" - картина написана в те времена, когда непосильный детский труд был совершенно обыденным явлением, тяжелые жизненные обстоятельства, голод вынуждали детей работать для того, чтобы прокормить семью; пронзительное произведение, которым автор хотел раскрыть обществу глаза на реальную действительность найти в себе сострадание и искоренять бездушие
Серов "Ходоки у Ленина"
Mary: Hi Anna. I felt bad. And couldn't even get up.
A: What happened to you?
M: I don't know. I haven't went to the doctor. I had a high temperature.
A: can you go to institute today?
M: I'm Afraid not. This morning I visit the doctor. I feel that I have a few days to stay in bed. Really sorry we have to miss lectures.
A: Nothing to worry about. Don't have to come if you don't feel. Of course, you need to stay in bed. If you want to borrow my notes. Can I visit you today?
M: Of Course. Come immediately after lessons.
A: I'm Sorry, but after school I have to go to the library to get some books for discussion.
M: don't go to the library. I have many interesting books. You can take any of them.
A: Well. I can come to you on the 41 tram?
M: Yes. But don't come on the tram. Near my house opened a new metro station and takes me all of fifteen minutes to reach the Institute by metro.
A: Very well, but I have to go to College. Yet.
M: see you Then. Don't forget to bring me your notes. Give me a call if you can't come.