1.United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is located at the northwestern coast of continental Europe. It occupies the island of Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales), one-sixth of the island of Ireland (Northern Ireland), as well as many smaller islands nearby. 3.Most central, large and generally leading cities of England is today considered the course, the capital - London. 4. Most of the exported goods - are machines and electronic and telecommunication equipment, as well as oil and oil products. Still a lot of exported agricultural products: potatoes, cereals, dairy products, and meat products and poultry. Another UK exports chemical products and pharmaceutical products, as well as aircraft and some ground transportation vehicles. 5.United Kingdom - very developed both in industry and in services country. Because of this, the major share of its imports are raw materials. raw materials. Basically, it's oil, gas, coal and uranium raw material for nuclear power plants.
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