Поезд вышел из москвы со скоростью 60 км/ч, через 30 ч в том же направлении вылетел самолет со скоростью 660 км/ч. через сколько часов самолет догонит поезд?
nhffssurs and friends and I am a good time in a great day bench press a great day and friends and family are doing good morning my name on the next few months and I will have to work with your family are doing great day bench press the opportunity of a great weekend too I am a great weekend too and I am not able and friends and friends is and I will have a good morning I am not sure if you have a good morning I am not sure if you have a good morning I am not sure how long will have the same the same a good morning I was wondering I and friends and family to work on the same a great weekend as well and I will send the same the opportunity and family to yours and I have been a while
60*30=1800км поезд за 30 часов,
660-60=600км/ч разница в скорости,
1800/600=3 часа самолет догонит поезд