ответ:Help translate the text from Russian into English (according to the rules as expected) without a translator.
I do not know how to get to the airport in my city, because I have never flown to other cities and countries.
I know how to get to the station (a month ago I went to my grandmother alone). If you go from my house, then you need to take a minibus 40 minutes. When the final stop is reached, you need to take bus 2 (it takes about 2 hours). This bus goes straight to the station (you just have to climb the stairs and go down to the station. There they will check bags on a special device.
to the bookstore account. We only have a library. It takes half an hour to get to the bookstore. Just take our minibus and stop near the bank. on the right side there will be a "globe" store where I always buy books
Пошаговое объяснение: Help translate the text from Russian into English (according to the rules as expected) without a translator.
I do not know how to get to the airport in my city, because I have never flown to other cities and countries.
I know how to get to the station (a month ago I went to my grandmother alone). If you go from my house, then you need to take a minibus 40 minutes. When the final stop is reached, you need to take bus 2 (it takes about 2 hours). This bus goes straight to the station (you just have to climb the stairs and go down to the station. There they will check bags on a special device.
to the bookstore account. We only have a library. It takes half an hour to get to the bookstore. Just take our minibus and stop near the bank. on the right side there will be a "globe" store where I always buy books
1) S=ab=400м*1250м=50 000 м2 = 50 га (1га =10 000м2)
2) V=abc=3м*8м*5дм=30дм*80дм*5 дм = 12 000 дм3 = 12 м3
а)V=S/T=36 км / 4 ч =9км/ч
б) S=V*T=650км/ч*2ч=1300 км
в) T=S/V=40 км / 10км/ч=4 ч
5) 1) 16*4=64 см2 - площадь прямоугольника и квадрат
2) нам нужно найти такое число, которое в квадрате даст 64. это число 8, значит сторона квадрата 8 см (т.к. площадь квадрата сторону умнож. на саму себя)
первый объем 343, второй 2744, площадь первой пов-ти 296, второй 1184, объем в 8 раз, площади в 4
1) 54:6=9 см2 - площадь одной грани
2) нужно найти число, кторое в квадрате дает 9. это число 4. значит 3 - ребро куба
3) V=a^3=3^3=3*3*3=27 m3
2) 564-252=312км
3) 252+312=562км
ответ:562км скорость