Вфермерском хозяйстве посажено 250 кустов смородиныэто на 50икустов меньше чем крыжовника и на 80 кустов больше чем малины сколько всего ягодных кустов в фермерском хозяйстве?
Ilove the new year! this wonderful holiday i spent with your family! at first, my mother prepared salads, main dish, grilled chicken. the pope at the time went for the christmas tree market. when he brought it, he and i became her dress up. tree was very beautiful, her hung colored balls. then, my parents went to the party, which was held in the square of our cities.there i took a picture with santa claus. it was so much fun! in the morning i found under the tree a wonderful gift. i brought a night of santa claus. i was happy!
2) 250-80=170 (куст.) - малина
3) 250+170+300=720 (куст.) - всего
ответ: Всего посадили 720 кустов в фермерском хозяйстве