like summer because it is a carefree time of year and I get 3 weeks of paid holidays! I love being outside--whether I'm hiking, running, or riding my bike. Winter is awfully long in Manitoba, and I love when the leaves start coming out on the trees and flowers start blooming. The world is transformed from shades of gray to the full spectrum of color! It's also great to see everyone enjoying outdoor recreation. Summer is a happy time of year.
The things I don't like about summer are the mosqitoes and when we have really humid summers. Also, the anniversary of my cousin's murder is in July, so that is always a difficult time. For a long time I associated the deep green of trees in full leaf with his death, because the day that my dad called to tell me the horrible news, I sat in the living room and just looked out at the green trees. Everything seemed so unreal. The sun was too bright and the leaves too green, and everyone else's lives just went on around me when my own life seemed to come to a grinding halt. It has been almost 4 years now, but I will never dislike summer because of his death. It is a time of year when I always will feel a bit sad and angry, but it won't stop me from enjoying all the life and beauty that summer has to offer.
Учебное познание в отличии от научного: 1) деятельность, направленная на усвоение того, что уже было ранее открыто/доказано (а в научное познание - деятельность, призванная открывать что-то новое, деят-ть с элементами творчества)
Пример: Ученик N изучил теорему о том, что квадрат гипотенузы равен сумме квадратов катетов, которую открыл Пифагор.
2) основная цель - получение знаний для дальнейшего обучения (в научном познании основная цель - изобретение, открытие чего-то нового, а также коммерческая направленность *характерно для современного общества) )
Пример: Ученик M понял, чем отличается простое предложение от сложного, поэтому теперь он может начать изучать виды сложных предложений.
Роль политики в обществе: выяснение смысла существования данной общности и системы ее приоритетов;согласование и сбалансированность интересов всех ее членов, определение общих коллективных устремлений и целей;выработка приемлемых для всех правил поведения и жизнедеятельности;распределение функций и ролей между всеми субъектами данной общности или, по меньшей мере, выработка тех правил, по которым происходит это распределение;создание общепринятого (общепонятного) всем языка — вербального (словесного) или символического обеспечить эффективное взаимодействие и взаимопонимание всех участников сообщества.На вертикальном срезе, как показано на схеме, субъектами политики (т.е. теми, кто «отправляет» политику и участвует в политико-властных отношениях) выступают:
like summer because it is a carefree time of year and I get 3 weeks of paid holidays! I love being outside--whether I'm hiking, running, or riding my bike. Winter is awfully long in Manitoba, and I love when the leaves start coming out on the trees and flowers start blooming. The world is transformed from shades of gray to the full spectrum of color! It's also great to see everyone enjoying outdoor recreation. Summer is a happy time of year.
The things I don't like about summer are the mosqitoes and when we have really humid summers. Also, the anniversary of my cousin's murder is in July, so that is always a difficult time. For a long time I associated the deep green of trees in full leaf with his death, because the day that my dad called to tell me the horrible news, I sat in the living room and just looked out at the green trees. Everything seemed so unreal. The sun was too bright and the leaves too green, and everyone else's lives just went on around me when my own life seemed to come to a grinding halt. It has been almost 4 years now, but I will never dislike summer because of his death. It is a time of year when I always will feel a bit sad and angry, but it won't stop me from enjoying all the life and beauty that summer has to offer.