1.When I GOT up, my mother and father WERE DRINKING tea.
2. When I SAW my friends, they WERE PLAYING football.
3. When I OPENED the door, the cat WAS SITTING on the table.
4. When I WAS GOING to school, I MET my friend.
5. When I CAME to my friend’s place, he WAS WATCHING TV.
1.When I GOT up, my mother and father WERE DRINKING tea.
2. When I SAW my friends, they WERE PLAYING football.
3. When I OPENED the door, the cat WAS SITTING on the table.
4. When I WAS GOING to school, I MET my friend.
5. When I CAME to my friend’s place, he WAS WATCHING TV.
1.When I GOT up, my mother and father WERE DRINKING tea.
2. When I SAW my friends, they WERE PLAYING football.
3. When I OPENED the door, the cat WAS SITTING on the table.
4. When I WAS GOING to school, I MET my friend.
5. When I CAME to my friend’s place, he WAS WATCHING TV.
1.When I GOT up, my mother and father WERE DRINKING tea.
2. When I SAW my friends, they WERE PLAYING football.
3. When I OPENED the door, the cat WAS SITTING on the table.
4. When I WAS GOING to school, I MET my friend.
5. When I CAME to my friend’s place, he WAS WATCHING TV.
1.When I GOT up, my mother and father WERE DRINKING tea.
2. When I SAW my friends, they WERE PLAYING football.
3. When I OPENED the door, the cat WAS SITTING on the table.
4. When I WAS GOING to school, I MET my friend.
5. When I CAME to my friend’s place, he WAS WATCHING TV.
1.When I GOT up, my mother and father WERE DRINKING tea.
2. When I SAW my friends, they WERE PLAYING football.
3. When I OPENED the door, the cat WAS SITTING on the table.
4. When I WAS GOING to school, I MET my friend.
5. When I CAME to my friend’s place, he WAS WATCHING TV.
1.When I GOT up, my mother and father WERE DRINKING tea.
2. When I SAW my friends, they WERE PLAYING football.
3. When I OPENED the door, the cat WAS SITTING on the table.
4. When I WAS GOING to school, I MET my friend.
5. When I CAME to my friend’s place, he WAS WATCHING TV.
РЫНОЧНОЕ РАВНОВЕСИЕ - ситуация на рынке, при которой нет тенденции к изменению рыночной цены или объема продаваемых благ.Рыночное равновесие устанавливается, когда цена приводится к уровню, который уравнивает объем спроса и объем предложения. Рыночное равновесие цены и объем продаваемого блага могут изменяться в ответ на изменения спроса и предложения.
ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ — это количество товара, которое хотят и могут 'предложить на рынок продавцы за определенный промежуток времени при всех возможных ценах на этот товар.
РАВНОВЕСНАЯ ЦЕНА — это цена, при которой объём спроса равен объёму предложения, и этот объём, соответственно, является равновесным